» 38 USC 1110
PRECEDENTIAL CAVC CASE ALERT: Buffington v. Wilkie (17-4382).
August 5th, 2019
Contributor: Chris ("Chrys") Attig
FCOA Precedent Alert: Saunders v. Wilkie, #2017-1466 (A Veteran can service connect stand-alone pain)
April 17th, 2018
Contributor: Chris ("Chrys") Attig
Categories: Veterans Law Updates
Tags: 2018 Federal Circuit Court of Appeals, 38 CFR 4.1, 38 USC 1110, American Legion, Chief Judge Robert N. Davis, Circuit Judge Kathleen O'Malley, Circuit Judge Pauline Newman, Circuit Judge Timothy B. Dyk, Judge Coral W. Pietsch, Judge Mary J. Schoelen, knee, Mark E. Porada, Melanie L. Bostwick, NVLSP, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe, Patrick Berkshire, Roanoke VA VARO, Shereen Marcus, stand alone pain, Thomas J. Dannaher
PRECEDENTIAL CAVC CASE ALERT: Marcelino v. Shulkin (16-2959)(Service Connection of Obesity)
January 31st, 2018
Contributor: Chris ("Chrys") Attig
Categories: Veterans Law Updates