» Michael Martin

PRECEDENTIAL CAVC CASE ALERT: Martinez v. Wilkie (17-1551)(38 USC 5103A, the Duty to Assist and C&P Opinions)

May 28th, 2019
Contributor: Chris ("Chrys") Attig
Categories: Veterans Law Updates
Tags: 38 USC 5103A, 38 USC 5104, 38 USC 5109, 38 USC 7109, Ashley D. Varga, due process violation, Duty to Assist, Judge Amanda L. Meredith, Judge Joseph L. Falvey Jr., Judge Joseph L. Toth, Michael Martin, Morgan & Morgan, St. Petersburg FL VARO, Stacey Clark, University of Missouri Law School Veterans Clinic

PRECEDENTIAL FCOA CASE ALERT: Bly v. Shulkin (17-1287)(EAJA petition deadline at CAVC)

March 14th, 2018
Contributor: Chris ("Chrys") Attig
Categories: Veterans Law Updates
Tags: 2018 Federal Circuit Court of Appeals, 28 USC 2412, Brandon Michael Selinsky, Circuit Judge Jimmie V. Reyna, Circuit Judge Timothy B. Dyk, Circuit Judge Todd M. Hughes, Disabled American Veteran (DAV), EAJA Petition, Equal Access to Justice Act (EAJA), Impresa Construzioni Geom Domenico Garufi v United States 531 F3d 1367 (Fed Cir 2008), Joseph Whitcom, Joshua E. Kurland, Judge Margaret Bartley, Judge William S. Greenberg, Justin P. Zimmer, Michael Martin, Senior Judge Bruce E. Kasold, Sioux Falls SD VARO