» Maxwell D. Kinman
Case Review: 17-0304, Burgess v. Shulkin (Federal appellate court commands professional work product)
What is the Deep Issue in the Case? Very generally stated, the VA has a duty to notify the veteran of the elements of his claim for service connection and the evidence that might prove those elements. 38 USC 5103(a). The VA repeatedly denied service…
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March 9th, 2018
Contributor: Chris Attig
Case Review: 16-3392, Edmunds v. Shulkin (Lay Evidence & VA Exam Adequacy)
What is the Deep Issue in the Case? Medical examiners are not required to discuss every piece of favorable evidence or provide reasons or bases. Monzingo v. Shinseki, 26 Vet. App. 97 (2012) The veteran testified that he had pain related to 2 current…
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January 23rd, 2018
Contributor: Chris Attig