CAVC finds BVA denial of higher PTSD rating "disconcerting".

CAVC finds BVA denial of higher PTSD rating

When this veteran sought a PTSD rating higher than 30% for his service connected mental health condition, the Board of Veterans Appeals denied a PTSD rating higher than 30%.

The Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims entered an order finding that the BVA Judge's errors were "disconcerting" particularly in light of the existence of evidence supporting a 70% PTSD rating, and because the BVA Veterans Law Judge failed to explain why the veteran's symptoms did not reach the 50% PTSD Rating level.

Attig | Steel coordinated with the law firm of Hill & Ponton to handle the veteran's remand to the BVA.

Link to the BVA Decision on CAVC Website.

Link to the Joint Motion to Remand the CAVC Website.

Case Details

OGC Attorney: Catherine A. Hulgan

Veteran Representation at CAVC: Chris Attig (link to bio)

Board of Veterans Appeals Veterans Law Judge:Deborah W. Singleton

Regional Office: St. Petersburg, Florida VARO

Vets’ Rep at BVA: Christopher Loiacono (agent)

Date of BVA Decision: September 21, 2016

Date of CAVC Remand Order: March 30, 2017